Jotaro retrieves the bow and arrow, and urges the others to be careful of any other Stand users that might have been created. As Josuke tries to escort Joseph back to his house to meet Tomoko, Joseph finds an invisible baby girl who is a Stand user. After buying a large amount of baby accessories with Josuke's credit card, Joseph attempts to add clothes and makeup to the baby to make her visible, only for her Stand Achtung Baby to activate when she starts crying, causing everything around her, including Joseph's hands, to turn invisible. As the baby gets more upset and her Stand's powers strengthen, her stroller rolls away into a nearby river. Joseph, upset that Josuke sees him as a burden, slits open his wrist, using his blood to help Josuke find the baby in the river. Josuke becomes amazed by Joseph's self-sacrifice, only to later learn Joseph had spent nearly all of his savings on baby goods when he discovers the sales receipt in Joseph's pocket.